Wall niche lighting in the garden is one of the efficient ways to make the wall more interesting during the day & night.

Sample 1 – Small size wall niche at low level.
Can be used to provide soft ambient light at the low level, walkway, step, stair
Sample 2 – Large size wall niche
Can be used as decorative ornament in the landscape or we can place a sculpture or artwork inside.
Option 1 – Downlight

1.1 LED light bulb (Left Picture). It is easy for light bulb changing but more space inside is required to conceal the light source. Most importantly, waterproof light socket is necessary for outdoor use due to safety reason.
1.2 Low Voltage LED Module (Right Picture). Less space inside the wall niche is required comparing to 1.1. Remote transformer is required for this option.
Option 2 – Downlight with patterned screen

Removable patterned screen can be added in front of LED light. As a result, the screen will be seen in silhouette. The material of the screen could be brass, stainless steel.

Option 3 – Small LED recessed uplight

When the glass lantern with candle is placed on top of the uplight, it will glow with sparkling effect from the candle, creating a romantic atmosphere to the garden.
Large wall niche with light

Low voltage LED strip light to incorporated into frame of niche as shown in the elevation. This is to highlight the back wall inside and shape of the niche or sculpture as shown below. Remote transformer is required.